On the dawn of our 100th anniversary,
La Coop fédérée is now
Sollio Cooperative Group

Un Nouveau Nom. Un Nouveau Nous.

Why Sollio?

Sollio is an evocative name which finds its meaning in the concepts that are close to agricultural producers and to our members:

  • Land, the soil, which we borrow from the generations that will follow
  • Water and sun (soleil in French), the necessities of life and for growth
  • Cooperation and solidarity, which characterizes our cooperative nature.

Why a new name?

In order to face the challenges of global competition, industry transformations and growth we needed a strong brand that will allow us to keep pursuing the development of agribusiness practises and the improvement of global well-being.

Our brand needed to represent what we are: the largest cooperative in the agricultural sector in Canada whose roots are in Quebec. We also wanted to strengthen our sense of belonging and the relevance of our cooperative model.

La Coop fédérée becoming Sollio Cooperative Group solidifies our growth and development on the global, Canadian and American markets.

Why a new US?

US means members, producers, associated companies and employees stand together.

US means we're united, thriving and proud.

US means that each and every one of our voices are tuned to the ideas of a brighter future.

US means we're bigger, more inclusive and more engaging than ever.

Tomorrow will be

The business model that Sollio Cooperative Group inherited is recognized for its resiliency, its durability and its ability to create collective value. It is focused on developing new territories whilst staying close to its members.






members, agricultural producers and consumers



Core values.

With our new brand and our rich history strengthening our position, we will lead the change towards a new Canadian food heritage.

In 1922, La Coop fédérée was created from the desire to enable Quebecers to fight poverty and give farming families the means to produce and grow. La Coop fédérée was one of the founding pillars of a new economic system: cooperatism.

Even though our name has changed, our values and business partnership remain the same and at the centre of our future.

Our history