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2025-2026 Sollio Next Generation Award Launch


Winner for the Farm Succession category

  • $6,000 in credit at BMR or Sollio Agriculture affiliated farm input retailer (young famers)
  • $3,000 in travel credit (previous generation) 

Winner for the New Farm Enterprise category 

  • $6,000 in credit at BMR or Sollio Agriculture affiliated farm input retailer 

Finalist for both categories

  • $2,500 in credit at BMR or Sollio Agriculture affiliated farm input retailer


In order to be eligible for the Sollio Next Generation Award, the enterprise must: 

  • Be a member and client of a cooperative in the Sollio Cooperative Group for at least one year; 
  • Have at least one member of the young generation aged 40 or under; 
  • For the New Farm Enterprise category, be established for less than 10 years; 
  • For the Farm Succession category, have at least 20 % of the shares of the farm.





There are three easy steps to entering the competition.  

Step 1: Application package 

  • The farm’s representatives must complete the application form found on the following pages. 
    -All information will be taken into consideration in the judging panel’s evaluation 
    -It is important to fill out each section and provide as much detail as possible 
    -We recommend having someone from your cooperative who supports your nomination review your application before sending it in 
  • You must include a letter of recommendation from your cooperative’s board of directors, signed by the chair, listing the reasons why your farm deserves the award. 
  • Your application must be received by April 1, 2024. 

Step 2: Selection of semi-finalists 

  • A panel of judges will confidentially review all entries and select the semi-finalists.  
  • The judges will contact each semi-finalist for an interview. 

Step 3: Selection of finalists and winners 

  • Based on the interviews, the judges will select the finalists. 
  • The finalists will be visited by a journalist, a film crew and a photographer to produce a short video and an article for publication in Coopérateur magazine. The farm’s representatives will be asked to give their consent in accordance with our privacy policy, available in French at:
  • The representatives for the finalist farms will be invited to the Sollio Cooperative Group annual general meeting banquet in late February 2025, where the winners will be announced.


2024-2025 Edition

2023-2024 Edition


2022-2023 Edition 

2021-2022 Edition 

2020-2021 Edition

2019-2020 Edition 

2018-2019 Edition

2017-2018 Edition

2016-2017 Edition

2015-2016 Edition

2014-2015 Edition

2013-2014 Edition

2012-2013 Edition 


2011-2012 Edition

2010-2011 Edition 

2009-2010 Edition 

  • Ferme Magenta s.e.n.c. - La Coop des Montérégiennes 
  • Ferme du Ruisseau fleury - VIVACO groupe coopératif 
  • Ferme Andrel et fils inc. - Covris Coopérative  

2008-2009 Edition 

  • Ferme Demers et associés - Covris Coopérative 
  • Ferme Kajo s.e.n.c. - VIVACO groupe coopératif 
  • Ferme Iverjean inc. - VIVACO groupe coopératif

2007-2008 Edition

  • Ferme des mésanges (Winner) - Nutrinor coopérative

2006-2007 Edition

  • Ferme Jal Royage (Winner) - VIVACO groupe coopératif 
  • Ferme Diolac S.E.N.C. (Finalist) - Covris Coopérative
  • Ferme Malherbe (Finalist) - Nutrinor coopérative 

2005-2006 Edition 

  • Ferme St-Baslo & fils inc. (Winner) - Mont-Joli

2004-2005 Edition

  • Ferme Gena & fils inc. (Winner) - Avantis Coopérative

2003-2004 Edition 

  • Ferme Pabyo inc. (Winner) - Nutrinor coopérative 

2002-2003 Edition 

  • Ferme Ciboulette inc. (Winner) - La Coop St-Hubert

1. What are the objectives of the Sollio Next Generation Award?

  • To showcase families and businesses that have successfully transferred or established their farm business;
  • To highlight the profession of agricultural production and the human aspect of this great process;
  • To inspire the next generations with various models of farm business transfer and establishment.

2. How long last the Sollio Next Generation Award?

The registration period runs from the annual general meeting of Sollio Cooperative Group (end of February) to the end of May. If you are selected as a semi-finalist, you will need to set aside time for a half-day interview and a visit to the farm by the jury. And a half-day visit to the farm by the jury. And if you are selected as a finalist, you will need to set aside a day to shoot the video on the farm as well as participation in the annual general meeting for the awards ceremony. In addition, it is possible that you will be solicited for other promotional shoots during the year.

3. Who funds the Sollio Next Generation Award?

This is a competition funded entirely by Sollio Cooperative Group.

4. What are the monetary prizes that a finalist or winner can obtain?

Winner for the Farm Succession category

  • $ 6 000 in credit at BMR or Sollio Agriculture affiliated farm input retailer (young famers)
  • $ 3 000 in travel credit (previous generation)

Winner for the New Farm Enterprise category 

  • $ 6 000 in credit at BMR or Sollio Agriculture affiliated farm input retailer Finalist for both categories

Finalists for both categories 

  • $2,500 in credit at BMR or Sollio Agriculture affiliated farm input retailer

5. Aside from the monetary prizes, what else is offered to the finalists?

  • Video on the enterprise;
  • Article in the Coopérateur in the form of a laminate;
  • A selection of photos taken by a professional photographer during the shooting of the video;
  • Invitation to the annual general meeting of Sollio Cooperative Group;
  • Trophy awarded to the finalists;
  • Promotion of the enterprise on Sollio Cooperative Group's social networks throughout the year.

6. What is the difference between the two categories of the contest?

  • Category Farm Succession: transfer of a farm business from one generation to another (related or not)
  • Category New Farm Enterprise: starting a farm business

7. Are the two categories evaluated in the same way?

Both categories are evaluated in the same way. Applicants are compared to each other in each category. In addition, some questions are different in the application form to accommodate the specific situation of each category.

8. Who is the jury composed of?

  • Normand Lapointe, Administrator of the Board of Directors of Sollio Cooperative Group;
  • Marilyn Côté, Administrator of Nutrinor cooperative;
  • Jean-Philippe Côté, Ex administrator of the Board of Directors of Sollio Cooperative Group.

9. What are the main evaluation criteria?

  • Quality of planning of the succession or establishment;
  • Relationship between the different generations or between the different shareholders;
  • Sustainability of the business;
  • Use of advisory services;
  • Business performance;
  • Sustainable development;
  • Form completed assiduously.

10. How do I register?

To register, go to the Sollio Cooperative Group website, on the Young Farmers page, then on the tab the Sollio Next Generation Award. You must create a user account (in the applicant's name) in order to open the application file on the portal. Assistance in completing the application can be obtained from your local co-op or consultant.

11. What supporting documents do I need to provide?

You will be asked to provide reports from the business management tools developed by Sollio Agriculture (Lactascan, Aviscan, AgConnexion, etc.) depending on your production. In addition, when you are a finalist, you will have to provide your financial statements and shareholder agreement, if applicable.

12. Can a candidate apply for several years in a row if they are not selected the first time?

Yes, absolutely! His or her business will probably have evolved, and he or she will benefit from this for a future application.